"The Lord YHWH bless you and keep you; the Lord YHWH make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord YHWH turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Book of Numbers 6:4-26).

vendredi 22 avril 2011



The Lord IHWH the Creator of the Universe will not need offerings of plants or sacrifice of animals for the remission of our sins, but He offered his own Son, Jesus-Christ, that whoever believes in his Sacrifice on the Cross of Golgotha will not suffer eternally in hell, but will be in Heaven eternally, in peace and joy with the Lord IHWH.

Thus, the Lord Jesus-Christ or Yahshuah Ha Mashiah has said to the whole humanity, in the Sacred Bible, especially in the Book of Saint-John 3:16, the central point and the summary of His message :

1- In the Malagasy language:
" " Fa toy izao no nitiavan'IHWH izao tontolo izao: Nomeny ny Zanany Lahy Tokana (Jesosy Kristy) mba tsy ho very izay rehetra mino Azy, fa hanana Fiainana Mandrakizay" (Jaona 3:16).

2- In the Hebrew language:
כי ככה אהב האלהים את העולם עד אשר נתן את בנו את יחידו למען לא יאבד כל המאמין בו כי אם יחיה חיי עולמים

3- In the English language:
" “For the Lord IHWH so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son (Jesus-Christ), that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life " (Book of Saint-John 3:16).

4- In the Spanish language:
"" Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo Unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna" (Juan 3:16).

5- In the Chinese language:
" 神はご自分のひとり子を与えるほどに世を愛されたからだ。それは,彼を信じる者がみな滅びることなく,永遠の命を持つためだ。" (Book of Saint-John 3:16).

6- In the Portuguese language:
"Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito (Jesus Cristo), para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna." (Joao 3:16)

7- In the Arabic language:
لانه هكذا احب الله العالم حتى بذل ابنه الوحيد لكي لا يهلك كل من يؤمن به بل تكون له الحياة الابدية.

8- In the Hindi language:
”भगवान के लिए इतना है, कि वह अपने ही बेटे, कि जो भी उस में believeth नष्ट नहीं करना चाहिए लेकिन अनन्त जीवन है.” (जॉन 3:16)

9- In the Indonesian language:
"Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal (Yesus Kristus), supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal." (Book of Saint-John 3:16).

10- In the Japanese language:
神はご自分のひとり子を与えるほどに世を愛されたからだ。それは,彼を信じる者がみな滅びることなく,永遠の命を持つためだ。(Book of Saint-John 3:16).

11- In the French language:
" Car l'Eternel IHWH a tant aimé le monde qu'il a donné son Fils unique (Jésus-Christ), afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle. " (Livre de Saint-Jean 3:16).

12- In the Malaysian language:
"Karena demikianlah Allah mengasihi isi doenia ini, sehingga diberinja
Anaknja jang toenggal itoe, soepaja barang siapa jang pertjaja akan dia djangan ia binasa, melainkan beroléh hidoep jang kekal." (Book of Saint-John 3:16).


The Rev. Dr. Ndriana RABARIOELINA,
Ph.D in Theology (Ph.D), USA,
Descendant of Aaron the High Priest,
President-Founder of the International Royal Institute of Theology.


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