"The Lord YHWH bless you and keep you; the Lord YHWH make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord YHWH turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Book of Numbers 6:4-26).

samedi 4 juin 2011



Sir Pastor Daniel Ratefy (1915-1995), Sir Pastor Daniel Ralibera (1923-2002) and His Eminence the Emeritus Cardinal Armand Gaëtan Razafindratandra (1925-2010), three princes of Madagascar and princes of the Church, direct descendants of Aaron the High Priest, had in spirit to gather all Christians in Madagascar in 1940-1950. In opposition to many religious leaders, they prayed and they worked hardly for the Unity of all Christians in the world, in following the Commandment of Love of the Lord Jesus-Christ "…That they all may be one…" (John 17:21) in the Lord YHWH the Creator of the Universe. Thus, they were the founders of the Ecumenism for the unity of Christians in Madagascar.

Sir Pastor Daniel Ratefy (graduated of the Faculté de Théologie Protestante de Montpellier), who travelled in more than one hundred countries to announce the Gospel, came to the International Missionary Conference in Amsterdam-Holland for the foundation of the World Council of Churches in 1948. He met there his friend the Theologian Karl Barth who had written a theological book after one of his sermons. He had always centered all his sermons on the Love of the Lord YHWH, the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty Lord, to the humanity. He said that anyone can enter in Heaven only by the reception of the Love of the Lord YHWH in the Salvation of Jesus-Christ (John 3:16). And he insisted that the names of all religious denominations will stop at the door of the Heaven.

And the Lord YHWH has answered their prayers when the first Ecumenical Church in Madagascar, called Fiangonana Ambohimalaza Firaisana, was found in their sacred and royal village of Ambohimalaza-Madagascar in 1956. Many Christians from different denominations, like Catholics, Prebyterians, Lutherans, Anglicans, founded this Ecumenical Church. And it is among the first ecumenical churches in the world, with Christians from different religious denominations.

Next, Sir Pastor Daniel Ralibera (graduated of the Faculté de Théologie Protestante de Paris) founded, with other servitors of the Lord YHWH, the Fiangonana Protestanta Malagasy aty An-dafy (FPMA) or the Malagasy Protestant Church in Paris in 1959. This Church is the Union of Malagasy Presbyterian, Reformed, Lutheran and Anglican Christians. And, at this epoch, Mgr Armand Gaëtan Razafindratandra organized ecumenical meetings and celebrations with the Protestants when he was Chaplain of the Malagasy Catholic Church in France.

After that, Sir Pastor Daniel Ratefy and Sir Pastor Daniel Ralibera founded, with other servitors of the Lord YHWH, the Fiangonan’ i Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara (FJKM) or the Church of Jesus-Christ in Madagascar, fusion of three christian religious denominations (from the Mission Protestante de Paris, the London Misssionary Society, and the Quakers) in 1968. Then, they worked for the future fusion of the two Protestant Churches, the Reformed Church and the Lutheran Churches, in Madagascar.

Later, His Eminence the Cardinal Armand Gaëtan Razafindratandra (graduated of the Institut Catholique de Paris), member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and member of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, founded the Ecumenical Commission of Theology and was charged with drafting a statute for the Council of Christian Churches in Madagascar. Thus, from their prayers and their sacred work with other servitors of the Lord IHWH, the Fiombonan’ ny Fiangonana Kristiana eto Madagascar (FFKM) or the Council of Christian Churches in Madagascar (Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Anglican Churches) was born in 1979-1980. And the actions of the FFKM have provocated a great change in the history of Madagascar.

And some conservative Christian leaders always continue their divine mission to gather all Christians in Madagascar and in the world, in following the Holy Bible, the Word of the Lord IHWH, in the Love of Jesus-Christ, and with the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Lord IHWH, such as Mr. Rainisoalambo (Toby Soatanana), Mrs. Ravelonjanahary (Toby Manolotrony) who was three times carried to the Kingdom of Heaven, Mrs. Mama Nenilava (Toby Ankaramalaza), who was, at least, seven times carried to the Kingdom of Heaven, the Celestial Jerusalem, the Celestial Kingdom of the Lord IHWH, with the Lord Jesus-Christ, Pastor Daniel Rakotozandry (Toby Farihimena), then the Rev. Pastor Jean William Rabemanahaka (Reformed Church in Madagascar), Emeritus Professor Simeon Rajaona (Academician, Profesor of University, among the translators of the Ecumanical Bible in the Malagasy Language), Rev. Father Bonaventure Ramboasolomanana s.j.(Catholic Church), Venerable Monk Andrea Rakoto-Ralarosy (Orthodox Church in Madagascar, Poet, Academician),  Rev. Doctor Roger Andriantsiratahina (Ph.D in Theology, Trinity University, USA, Anglican and Lutheran, former General Secretary of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Madagascar), Pastor Emilien Razafiarison (Reformed and Evangelical Churches), Dr Bruno Rabarihoela (Theologian, Reformed and Lutheran Churches), Pastor Tolotra Ratefy (Theologian, Reformed, Lutheran and Ecumenical Churches) and Prince Rev. Dr. Ndriana Rabarioelina (PhD in Theology, Reformed, Lutheran, Anglican, Evangelical and Ecumenical Churches).

At the end, in the prophetic vision of the Lord IHWH, the Creator of the Universe, the Unity does not concern only the four great churches in Madagascar, but all Christians from all denominations, in order that they all may be one: a Prefiguration of the Perfect Love in the Celestial Jerusalem.

May the Lord IHWH, Adonaï Elohim, the Creator of the Universe, always bless you and the Holy Church, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Yashuah Ha Mashiah, the Chief of the Church, the King of kings and Lord of lords!


HRH the Prince Rev. Dr. Ndriana RABARIOELINA
PhD in Theology (USA)
Direct descendant of Aaron the High Priest,
President-Founder of the International Royal Institute of Theology.


- Vatican.
- World Council of Churches.
- World Orthodox Churches.
- Anglican Communion.
- World Lutheran Federation.
- World Reformed Alliance.
- World Evangelical Alliance.
- World Baptist Federation.
- Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
- Pentecostal World Fellowship…


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